
For women who are tired of the negative news and daily struggles, and who dream of a world filled with peace, unity, Torah values, kindness, and beauty!

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Uniting, creating, uplifting

A Vision for a Happier World

Life is a journey that has a distinct purpose. Every person has their own unique mission as a part of the unfolding of history and progression towards the final redemption. This world is a beautiful world, created as a gift for us by a loving and merciful G-d who outlines for us how best to live in this world. Women have an important role to play in this master plan on both a micro level, for ourselves and our families, as well as on a larger scale. Two of the most important life roles of women is that of wife and mother. This website offers coaching and resources to assist women in achieving their goals with two purposes in mind, to be happy and fulfilled mothers, for a happy mother sets a tone that is crucial for a happy home and family. In addition, we are taught that it is in the merit of righteous women that the redemption will come. By strengthening women in their role of wife and mother we are therefore working towards building a better world for our children.

Offering a Range of Positive Content

Our comprehensive, holistic approach provides content and resources to support you on your journey, focusing on the vital roles of wife and mother, with the ultimate goal of bringing happiness to Imma Rachel


Explore articles offering holistic guidance for wives and mothers..


Watch videos that inspire and support your journey.

Shoshanah’s Publications

Discover books that enrich your role as a wife and mother.

Partner with us

Join us in our mission to bring joy and hasten the Geulah.

Online Courses

Coming soon – online courses designed to empower, educate and inspire.


Discover art, creative gifts and sustainable collections to brighten your home.

Our Services

Our comprehensive, holistic approach includes strategic coaching and Kallah lessons to help you along your journey from becoming a wife, to becoming a mother to becoming a happy Mom.

Coaching available

  • Identify and develop goals to suit your stage in your journey.
  • Create action plans to help you achieve your goals.
  • Working strategically to achieve the roles of wife and mother, with a focus on happiness, promoting health and fulfillment.
mother and child walking in nature, facing the light
Bride seen from the back standing in Nature

Kallah Lessons

  • Learn the Laws of Family Purity.
  • Learn from the comfort of your home.
  • Kallah Lessons for both new brides and refresher courses for married women.

“Occupational Therapist”

Thank you for the resource and for all the work you do! You are definitely a pioneer
in women’s health

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Linsey Kaupp

“Happy New Mom”

Hi Shoshanah. Hope you are keeping well! I just wanted to let you know that I’m 3 months pregnant! Thank you again for those amazing and uplifting sessions. Take care

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— T.L.

“Previous Head of OT”

Thank you for sending me a copy of the 1st Edition of your Story (Healing Your Life Through Activity – An Occupational Therapist’s Story).  It arrived last week.  It looks good; it feels good and it is good.  I hope you will have time to continue writing.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Stella Mountford

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