Shoshanah Shear

Shoshanah has a background in Occupational Therapy with additional certification in a range of alternative therapies. She is also an artist, author, coach and photographer. Shoshanah loves to combine her skills and experience, creating content to assist women along their journey to live happy, fulfilling, meaningful lives. Shoshanah is passionate about inspiring women to use their talents to help to build a better world for the next generation, a world of peace, unity, beauty, kindness and truth.

A landfill with title of blog

Does the thought of adding to landfills scare you? Do you consider the environment when buying your children’s toys?

How much time do you put into considering the environment? our actions have an effect on the environment and the environment in turn has an effect on our health and well being. Find out how this connects with your child’s toys in this post.

Does the thought of adding to landfills scare you? Do you consider the environment when buying your children’s toys? Read More »

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