If you are working from home, chances are you will be building a following using an email newsletter. In order to develop your community you will need a landing page.

There are many options of platforms to build your email newsletter. Which one you will use depends on many factors. A few factors include:
- whether you are looking for a free option or paid
- number of subscribers.
Improvements to MailChimp’s Features
If you use MailChimp, you will notice that there have been some changes and improvements in the last number of months. One of these developments is the fact that MailChimp now offers the opportunity to build your own landing page.
Since I need to build a landing page I’ve been researching how and where to do so. I tried developing a landing page myself on MailChimp but came up with a few questions. No, it’s not so difficult, my question was partly due to the type of gift I wish to offer.
Where to Learn How to set up the Landing Page Feature on MailChimp
Off I went to YouTube to find a solution. If you are searching YouTube, make sure that the video is current. I found some options of how to use MailChimp that were outdated and then I came across this one. Larry Snow does a great job of walking you through the process of setting up your own landing page with the new landing page feature on MailChimp.
I hope you enjoy the video. One detail I really value is that Larry answers questions if you comment under the video. He even takes a look at what you are working on. I value that.
Where are you at in your journey to work from home? Do you offer a service from your home, do you work online or a combination. Please let me know in the comments below this post. It helps me to know what kind of content, videos and resources will be of benefit to you.
Have a great weekend.