Holistic Approach to Motherhood
The theme of this website is Be a Happy Mom, on it you will find an holistic approach to the role of mother. We look at all phases and angles of the notion of motherhood. The journey may start with becoming a wife, to becoming a mother to becoming a happy and fulfilled mother, including developing a healthy home for you and your family. We also look at mothering your inner child and taking care of your elderly mother through her retirement and beyond. We have a special focus on empowering widows and orphans.
Whatever stage you are in becoming a mother or using the maternal instinct in other ways, this website is for you with content and products to assist you along your journey.
From $99
Creative / Strategic Coaching
At Be a Happy Mom we believe that a happy mother is the cornerstone of a thriving family and harmonious society. I have a range of books and workbooks to help you along your journey. For those who require a little more assistance or direct input, I have limited coaching sessions available, assisting you to identify your goals and work strategically and creatively towards making them become a reality.
This coaching service is specific to the individual needs of women who choose to sign up for it. Sessions are offered via Zoom or Skype.
Kallah Lessons
Tell your visitor how your service can improve their life. Connect with the problem that they’re trying to solve and address any objections you think they might have.
What is the biggest benefit your customer will get from this? Keep your target audience in mind.
From $99
Bringing Happiness to our Matriarchs
Your customers just learned what services you offer. Tell them why they should work with you or your team, for example you could highlight your experience and positive client reviews.
The badges illustrate this. We also focus on key benefits they will get while using our services, namely quick turnaround times and dedicated support. You could also use them to show awards you won for your best work.