Over the years of being an occupational therapist, there is a question that is raised at various different times in the therapeutic process. The question seems to be a universal one. It does not matter so much the age of the client. Interestingly many of those who face severe injuries or major illnesses will begin to question. What is this question? It relates to what the meaning of life is. What is the purpose of life and creation and what can one do to increase, restore or develop a sense of fulfillment, meaning and purpose in one’s life.

This question in many ways goes back to the first man. The difference being that the first man had a direct connection with the Master of the Universe and knew what was expected of him. Over time, mankind has become so immersed in the physicality of the world, so absorbed in instant gratification that we forget why we are here and what will give us true happiness and fulfillment.
It is a sad fact that many only come to search for how to enrich their lives and what their real purpose or mission is when tragedy strikes. Let’s face it, those who are blessed with health, wealth, large families and the ability to immerse themselves in all kinds of pleasures very often don’t stop to think where those blessings came from.
The truth is, that we are not in this world for our own immediate gratification. We are not here to waste away our time with novels, movies, collecting all manner of physical belongings and experiences. We are here for a purpose, a mission if you will. Every human being has a unique role to play in this world, a task to do that no-one else can. We don’t have to wait for tragedy to strike, we can in fact learn what we are here for and to put in the effort to live up to our potential. When we put in the right type of effort then the work that is required becomes a natural part of our daily life.
Many get distracted by what it is that their five senses experience. That means the sense of sight, sound, smell, taste and feeling. However, there is another dimension, one that is not tangible and is more difficult to describe with words. This is the realm of the soul.
The only way we can know or come to understand what this unique role, task or mission is, is to put aside some time and learn of the hidden dimension of this world. We need to begin to learn what the journey of the soul really is and what we can do to help our soul to fulfill it’s potential in this world.
Our New Development – Designed to Help You!
In the last couple of months, my husband has begun offering two free group Shiurim. In these Shiurim you can learn about 40 minutes of Tanya, 20 minutes of Ramchal. Then we have another session of learning from the Gemara using the beautiful Koren Talmud authored by Adin Steinzaltz. For the Gemara Shiur we are beginning with the Tractate of Brachos and working systematically through the text.
The Tanya is a book that was authored over 200 years ago by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the first Lubavitcher Rebbe known as the Alter Rebbe. The Tanya is said to be as relevant and certainly as needed as it was when the Alter Rebbe wrote it. This work is divided into five sections. The first helps the reader to gain insight into the nature of the soul and the second deals with the unity of G-d. The next three include letters to his followers, Teshuvah (repentance) and finally a more difficult, technical section that answers various complicated topics and ideas dealt with in Kabbalah.
The Ramchal – Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato was born in 1707 in Padua Italy and died at a young age in 1746. The Ramchal was a child prodigy. One of his interests was literature and poetry. He was a prolific writer of many areas of Torah. He was a rabbi, Kabbalist and philosopher. The Ramchal’s wisdom was ahead of it’s time. He was not well accepted in Italy, partly due to the problems from Shavti Tzvi who’s problematic story occurred 50 years before the Ramchal was born. After some time, the Ramchal moved to Amsterdam and later to Acco in Israel. He is buried in Tiberius next to the grave of Rabbi Akiva.
If you would like to learn how to give meaning and purpose to your life or more about the journey of the soul and it’s mission in this world, do join us for our Shiurim live or on our YouTube Channel.