I wrote this post directly after treating my last client for the day. It was so much fun to work with a child who is full of imagination and creativity. I felt so inspired as I watched the child walk to the car with his mother that I wanted to share some of what working with what makes working with children so special.

We had so much fun
We had spent time working on improving fine motor skills. For someone glancing into the treatment room, it might not be obvious that this was our goal. The session was so much fun that when the time was up, neither of us was ready to move on to the next task at hand.
For my client that meant going home, for me it meant writing up some treatment notes and considering what might be suitable for the next session. Before I end for the day, I thought I’d write down a short post of how much fun it can be to work with children.
Some qualities I love about children
I love the interest and energy that they give to new activities. Children have an amazing ease to enter into imaginative play. It’s intriguing how a task that one might prepare has to be adapted to suit the mood and need of the child on that specific day. Children certainly keep one on one’s toes!
Some of the challenges in working with children
It’s a challenge to have several potential treatment ideas up one’s sleeve for each session. The challenge is very worth it though as one watches progress and development and help the child to steer their ideas in the direction of achieving their goals.
Have you noticed this with children? Do you enjoy to spend time with your child? Are you prepared to be vulnerable and meet a child in their imaginative play and creativity?