Research shows that being happy leads to improved health and longer life. Actually, there are many factors that contribute to how long a person’s life will be. Being happy is just one factor. Having said that, being happy enables one to enjoy inner peace and better relationships.

So, what can you do to help you to be happy?
The first step is to make sure that the journey of your life is going in the right direction. This means to be focused on what your mission or purpose is and to make sure that your desires are healthy ones. Let’s break this down into a few manageable parts.
- How do you know what your mission or purpose is?
- How do you know if your life is going in the right direction?
- What kind of goals or desires are healthy or good?
These are complex topics. One of the best ways to know what your mission or purpose is, is to spend some time getting in touch with your inner voice or intuition. A good way to do this is through prayer, meditation, or contemplation. Spending time journaling is very helpful too.

The second point is very much related to the first one and we will return to this shortly. As to the last point, in the Torah G-d tells us that He has laid out for us the good and it’s opposite and the path that leads to life and it’s opposite. He appeals to us to choose life. If you would like to learn more about what decisions, choices and actions are in keeping with a path that leads to life, I encourage you to sign up to my husband’s YouTube Channel and / or to join up to learn one on one or in small groups.
To get back to discovering what you need to do to enable you to have a happy heart, I have created a journal for exactly that purpose. In this video you can learn a little about the journal and how to use it.
Have you tried journaling? If so, how do you like it? What type of journal do you prefer or find beneficial in your life’s journey? I’d love to hear from you so please let me know in the comments below.