Cats can be beautiful animals. We can discuss all kinds of positive qualities about cats. But, what do you do when a cat is frequenting an area you do not want it to go into? How do you keep cats out of your plants, garden or balcony? It does not really matter if the cat is your own or belongs to someone else. If you do not want a cat in a given area, is there anything you can do about it?

Cat’s are rather stubborn animals. When they make up their minds that they want to go somewhere, they do. They don’t stop to ask permission and mostly wont listen if you tell them not to go to x place. So what can you do?

The truth is, there are a number of options available. Let us first take a look at some reasons as to why you might want to keep that kitty out.
Reasons to Keep the Cat Away From A Given Area
- One of the members of your household has a severe allergy to cats. This is a good reason to want to keep those cats away.
- You have a new born or baby and prefer to keep the neighbour’s cat out of your garden, home or balcony. Again, a reasonable reason to keep that kitty away.
- You have just planted a new bed of flowers or vegetables and do not want your garden ruined. Sounds reasonable to want to protect your flower bed or vegetable patch.
- The cat is not yours and you do not want to clean up after it. Neither do you want the smell that remains after your neighbour’s cat sprays your belongings.
- You just don’t like cats.
You might find other reasons to want to keep a cat away. It could be your own cat from a given area of the garden. It could be the neighbour’s cat from your property or a ferral cat, again with a desire to keep your property cat free.
Natural Ways to Keep the Cat Away
- If the cat belongs to a neighbour, you can try talking to the neighbour. Keep in mind though, that it’s hard to control an animal once it leaves someone’s home. As a result, if the neighbour opens the door or window to let the cat out, the neighbour is not going to have so much control over where the cat goes. However, it is good to develop a plan together with your neighbour. This is provided that the neighbour is reasonable and willing to help.Another thought to consider is that figuring out a plan to help your neighbour to keep the cat indoors can actually help the cat. The cat is then out of danger from the road.
- There are a number of natural items that you can spray or sprinkle in the area that you want to keep the cat out. These include:- vinegar
– lemon juice
– black pepper
– lavender (well so I was advised. However, the cat we tried to keep out just happened to love the smell of lavender) - You can keep a spray bottle nearby and spray the cat with water. Regular water with nothing added. Cats do not like water. It wont hurt the cat but will deter them from coming to visit.
- There are a number of herbs that are supposed to keep cats away. Cats do not like certain smells. These include:
– lavender
– rosemary
– garlic
– ground mustard
– ground cover – evidently cats prefer soil to plants covering the earth.
– lemon balm
– curry plant
– plants with thorns or prinkles e.g. hawthorn or blueberries - There are some items that scare cats e.g. cucumbers, toy snakes and water or water bottles.
Someone recommended that I put cucumbers around. As you can see in the video above, this works sometimes but not always. Also, the cucumber will go off and need replacing. Apparently cats learn and wont come back if you repeatedly put out items they dislike. Or if you use aromas or plants they do not like or spray them with water.
When the above ideas do not work, there are sprays available from pet stores and hardware stores. Always look for a non-toxic option.
Lastly you can get fancy and obtain a gadget that is motion activated and solar powered. Somehow it repels unwanted creatures such as cats, rodents and others. Or get a dog. Of course, this depends on whether your landlord will agree to your having a pet.
Some other ideas are, look into putting up netting, tall bamboo or spikes.
If none of these tricks work and health of your family is an issue, you may need to call in a vet connected to the municipality and request their assistance.
The sad part about animals, is that many do carry disease, especially when they are ill themselves or are wild. There definitely are plenty of options to protect your property, garden and of course your family. When selecting the method for you, do what you can to still consider the health of the animal. I like the idea of essential oils and herbs. They do not harm and can enhance your own garden or balcony. They do deter the cats from coming into areas where they are not wanted.
Setting your boundaries is always positive. I hope this article helps you to find a solution that is natural and kind to all.
This post is prepared for you by
Occupational Therapist, healing facilitator, certified infant massage instructor, freelance writer, author of “Healing Your Life Through Activity – An Occupational Therapist’s Story” and co-author of “Tuvia Finds His Freedom“.