Join us in Promoting Occupational Therapy

In the Spirit of World OT Day

There are so many ideas on my mind for posts to go onto this new blog. Uppermost on my mind is promoting occupational therapy. Did you know that there is a World OT (occupational therapy) Day? Just like there is a Mother’s Day, a Father’s Day, A Friends Day and all kinds of other days, one day in the year is devoted to World OT Day.

Image of World Occupational Therapy Day
Logo of World OT Day Prepared by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists

What is World OT Day?

It is a day when OTs around the world promote our profession in some way. In other words it’s all about promoting occupational therapy. I had hoped to get this blog post out on the correct day, which was the 27th October 2016. With a very busy schedule, I had to alter my plans.

I did achieve another goal that relates to the day. I am happy to say that I completed recording a video and preparing a crowdfundraiser to raise the necessary funds for a book that I wrote to promote OT. The work involved in setting this up took a few days, but the crowdfundraiser went live on World OT Day!

Shoshanah with Proof Copy of her book "Healing Your Life Through Activity"
Shoshanah with Proof Copy of her book “Healing Your Life Through Activity”

I am very happy that the crowdfundraiser went up on the right day, but I had hoped to co-ordinate this post with it too. Either way, now comes the hard work of getting the word out about this book. This post, therefore, is to share a little about the campaign and to encourage you, the reader to visit the campaign and get involved to help me to reach my goal.

Time has passed what happened to the campaign?

If you are new to this website, this post has been updated. That means that the campaign is over. Although the campaign was not successful, the book was completed and published. The book is entitled: “Healing Your Life Through Activity“, and is available on Amazon and other online bookstores. You can help me to spread the word about OT by purchasing my book.

What is the book about?

The book is written to promote my profession of occupational therapy. It was requested by the parents of several clients (children) who had been referred later than they should have been. Most people do not know what OT is or the far reaching benefits to a very large percentage of the population. The outcome is late referrals and many missing out by not receiving OT. The book is therefore written for the non-OT although it may also be of benefit to new grads, those exploring the profession with a view to studying OT and OTs who are interested in changing practice area.

How can you help to spread the word?

All good books need help to spread the word. Join in the fun!

If you are interested in helping to spread the word, you can be a part of promoting occupational therapy too. Here’s how – visit my book on Amazon, Goodreads or other online bookstores. In addition to purchasing a copy, share the link with your friends, leave a positive comment to help others to find the book too. Help the world to recognize an invaluable profession.

Thank you for your assistance
