Have you heard about the profession of occupational therapy? Do you know what an occupational therapist does? Do you know what ages an OT works with and what kinds of problems we assist with? Have you read any good books that explain what occupational therapy is?

It is amazing how related events happen simultaneously! When I checked my social media platforms this morning I could noticed a discussion among fellow occupational therapists. The topic was: “what frustrates you or us most about OT not being well understood?” The question inspired a large and lengthy discussion. It is amazing, and sad, that this topic comes up year after year. It’s hard to admit but for as long as I have known about the profession, no-one seems to know what OT is! How can that be and why does it matter?
What does a thread in an occupational therapy professional group have to do with my announcement? Well, it just so happens that the discussion echoes one of several reasons as to why my latest book was written. Some of my reasons for writing the book include:
- To satisfy the request of patient’s of mine and their families who were frustrated that they had not been referred to OT sooner
- To find a solution for my own frustration that the amazing profession I had studied is not well recognized or appreciated.
- To assist with marketing my services as a private practitioner repeatedly came up against the same road block, namely: Lack of understanding of what OT is or what it offers.
Finding a Solution

Being proactive I have written a book that I aim to be the first of several. The book has four sections to it. The largest section is a journey through the life cycle using my work experience to illustrate the impact that OT makes at all stages of development. There is so much that I can write about the book which I hope will assist in promoting the profession of OT
The Dedication
A word about the dedication. I would like to share that the book is dedicated to my late grandfather, Professor Vincent Louis Granger, a very inspiring person who overcame disability and chronic pain and lived a long fulfilling life dedicated to improving conditions for others on many levels. I am happy to say that the book has been released and is available on
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Healing-Your-Life-Through-Activity/dp/1535161604
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Healing-Your-Life-Through-Activity/dp/1535161604
and will be available on other online stores shortly!
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Join my Facebook “author page“: to stay up to date on further developments of the book, talks to be offered, and other options to obtain a copy of the book. I am always happy to be in touch or to offer webinars or radio interviews for those wishing to be further enlightened as to the benefits of the wonderful profession of occupational therapy.
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Learn about occupational therapy
Buy your copy today and you can learn something about my grandfather and his contribution to the disabled population. You can also learn something about the profession of occupational therapy and what an amazing impact it has on the lives of our clients. As a colleague of mine, Claudia Williams, shared in the book: “Medicine saves lives but occupational therapy helps one to live one’s life!”