There are so many details involved in developing a centre. It’s all very well to have an idea but to bring the idea into reality is a totally different story. If you are following the thread of posts related to the centre I am developing, you will know that this is a work in progress that’s taking years. Years and years and years. Well, let’s take a look at some progress and validation of this journey or process.

Over the past few days I have had some progress and some information validating the path or journey I am on and have been on. Let’s take a look at these:
Progress and Validation:
- Joining a FaceBook group all about marketing one’s art. I’m very excited to have discovered this. Selling my art and creative gifts is one of the income streams I am developing to earn both for myself and for my centre. Yes, I need to cover bills too and since it’s my own art, I figure I can earn from it.
- Learning more about how best to use LinkedIn. Once I have mastered this my next step is to get onto Instagram. Oh dear, I had hoped to escape the social networking but I guess it is necessary in today’s world. Even though I don’t really like social networking, I am starting to make some good connections on LinkedIn. I still have to complete my profile, but I feel as though I am starting to learn what to do on this platform.
- In my search to improve how I use LinkedIn, I went over to YouTube and did a little research. There are some really good free videos so there really is no excuse for not learning this. One of the videos was by Lewis Howes. After learning the five tips that he shares, I went over to his website and learned another great tip. If you have a goal, you need to be able to visualize it in all it’s details.
- This last point was validation for how I am using the vision board exercise to help to clarify and bring focus to the centre I am building. In doing so I am finding that I am refining the OT services that I offer and will be offering when I have the full centre. I must admit, I’m having a little inner struggle. There are so many areas of OT that I love. Can I do all of them? Could I pull off the full vision?
It comes down to funding and self-confidence and so onward to the next lesson. - I have carried out a few crowdfundraisers since actively working towards my centre in Israel. Though I have had a little support, it’s really low compared to the type of funds that are needed to pull off this centre.
I’ve been brainstorming and decided that one reason was the need for a larger audience and crowd. Some aspects of services have also been refined. - Today I learned another lesson. It came from a new contact on LinkedIn who recommended that I watch a certain video. And so, I discovered the Lean Start-up process. What do you know? I’m on target. Doing blog posts, sharing my dream and goals, doing the crowd fundraisers. It’s so exciting to have a term to put to what I just intuitively knew I had to do.
So I’ve been making progress and learning all at the same time. Each contact leads to new information and the information leads to more action, validation, learning and connections. It’s quite exciting. If you are reading this and considering pursing your own business goals, some ideas you can learn from the above list include:
- Networking
- Learning trends in business
- Learning how to best use social networking
- Drawing up a business plan
- Developing a budget including building a crowd fundraiser if you need to
With all the excitement, I do so long for that centre to be in the full building, with all the services and making a tangible difference in the world.
Oh, the last point of validation came from discovering another website regarding being a social entrepreneur. I’m learning loads about this concept. Yes, even have a few potential courses to take.
And so the learning continues. Thanks for joining me on this journey.