Isn’t it wonderful when you hear “Mazal Tov, your child has just begun school”?. It’s a wonderful milestone reached when this time comes. However, can your child sit quietly at a table. Do they hold a crayon or pencil correctly? Are they able to listen to the teacher, work quietly and not disturb their classmates?

Preparing your child for the milestone of starting school
Did you know you can help them achieve all this BEFORE they even begin school? You do not have to wait until your child begins school to pick up a difficulty.
Did you know helping your child when still a baby, to have adequate time on their tummy and to crawl correctly has an effect on how they perform at school?
Did you know that massaging your baby helps with sensory integration and more?
Did you know how you eat, exercise, whether you receive massage or healing while carrying your baby helps with the delivery and the babies later development?
Did you know, you can even help your child’s progress in life by the type of wedding you have, kind of home you build and even effective Teshuva carried out long before you get married.
When is the right time to help your child to gain the skills for learning?
You might have noticed that we began with the milestone of starting school. From beginning school we stepped back a little in time. If your child has already reached school going age, this information wont help as much for that child. G-d wiling you will have more children. You can learn from your first child and apply these ideas to assisting your children as early on as possible. It is also possible that you will meet someone who is having their first child. You will then have gained knowledge that you can share with them about the importance of learning how to assist your child with their development as early on as possible.
The concept of early intervention and prevention is not unique to occupational therapy. In fact The Rambam (Maimonides 1138-1204) in his Mishneh Torah, teaches us that prevention is better than cure. With this thought from at least 800 years ago in mind, let us remember that at whatever stage you are in your life, you can have an impact on the health, development, success and fulfillment of your children.
Whether you are still single, just getting married, preparing for your first child or already have children at school, it is never too early to help your children to succeed and be the best that they can be. Actually, if your children are already older, you can help them too. Every time you learn something that you can teach to your children, you help them to progress. If you draw closer to G-d and you pray for your children, you can assist them too. So in truth, it’s never too early or to late to assist your children.
Would you like to learn more?
Are you interested in learning how you can assist the development and progress of your child far before they get to the stage of starting school? Where are you in your journey to becoming a happy mother? Do you have children already, are you striving to have children or are your children already grown and you are preparing to become a grandparent. Make a comment in the comments below or sign up for the newsletter on this website.