There is so much that goes into writing and publishing a book. It is very tempting to allow the book to go live before it’s actually ready for reading. Unfortunately I fell into that trap. However, I picked up the need for more editing fairly quickly. After doing some further editing and improving of my book promoting occupational therapy the book went back up for sale. I am very grateful to be gradually beginning to receive feedback on the book. The following review was emailed to me.

Review of my book written by Dr Gary Seymour
Healing Your Life Through Activity…
“A well presented book taking the reader on a journey of learning.
From the first page to the last a fountain of information set down in a way that requires little effort from the reader to garner complete understanding.
A charming memoir of an occupational therapist, that not only is an obvious asset to her career but also a staunch humanitarian as well.”
~ Dr. Gary Seymour
A few tips of where to find the review
At the time of writing this blog post, I asked for feedback as to where to place this review. Sadly I did not receive any reply or comment. So I have gone ahead and published it in the front matter of the book.
Where can I purchase Healing Your Life Through Activity?
To purchase your copy of “Healing Your Life Through Activity – An Occupational Therapist’s Story” you can find it on Amazon in US, Canada, UK and Europe. It is also available on Book Depository and other online bookstores. If you enjoy the book or learn something from it, please consider writing a positive review on Amazon, Goodreads or even on this website. Reviews help others to find the book and to benefit from the information that has been shared.
This post is prepared for you by:
Shoshanah Shear, Occupational Therapist, healing facilitator, certified infant massage instructor, freelance writer and co-author of “Tuvia Finds His Freedom” and author of “Healing Your Life Through Activity – An Occupational Therapist’s Story“