The first review that I received in relation to my book “Healing Your Life Through Activity – An Occupational Therapist’s Story” came from a Beta Reader. It certainly put a smile on my face and made the hard work very worth while.

The First Review
This is just beyond words… I love it so much and have never read any type of medical/therapy book delivered as honestly and gently as this one. It’s informative in an extremely helpful way without offending any other profession or point of view. It applies to so many audiences as well, patients, caregivers, parents, professionals, etc. It’s also one of a kind because of the way you created an informative book that reads with the ease of a story. Brilliant!
I also very much enjoyed the order you placed each topic. It flowed perfectly. This book is truly amazing and is going to touch so many lives.

Amanda – from Beta Reading Bookshelf
Grateful thoughts
Writing a book of substance and length is a very time consuming process. It is gratifying to receive such a positive and warm first review. This gives me the courage both to keep on promoting the book and to continue writing.
If you would like to obtain a copy of “Healing Your Life Through Activity – An Occupational Therapist’s Story” by Shoshanah Shear you can find it online on Amazon in US, Canada, UK and Europe as well as Barnes & Nobles, Book Depository and other online bookstores.
Healing Your Life Through Activity came out in paperback initially and is now available in hard cover too. The hard cover makes the book more durable and suitable for a library.
What is Occupational Therapy Anyway?
You might well be asking yourself, what is occupational therapy. What is the fuss about? Why does it require a book to explain what it is. These are all very good questions. Occupational therapy is a vast and dynamic profession. The term or name occupational therapy is very much a play on words. In the title I have attempted to offer another perspective to the title of the profession, indicating that occupational therapy intervention assists clients across the entire life cycle. The use of the word activity is because occupational therapists use activities or occupations as both a medium of therapy and an indicator as to the need to engage in specific activities in order to function effectively in their daily lives. It’s a very loaded title and a fascinating profession. You can discover more about the profession by reading the book. Find it on Amazon and other online market places.