Not long after opening our Bridal Gown Gemach, we began to receive questions as to what kind of bridal gowns we have. The questions prompted us to prepare this blog post. Here is a beautiful and interesting bridal gown that has been photographed to give some idea. This gown is particularly interesting with the external piece that flaps over and is tied near the hip.

Some information about bridal gowns we had
As you can see in the image, we had a lovely standing mirror. We were so looking forward to the appropriate space with more mirrors. Sadly, we had to close this project before we had a chance to grow it.

Photographed over on the other side of the room that houses our bridal gowns is this lovely, flowing and feminine bridal gown. It is soft and just lovely is the best word to describe it. The gowns were so much better seen in person.
A glimpse into our first challenge
We purchased 60 bridal gowns but discovered there were 59 bridal gowns when I began arranging and counting them. What happened to the last gown? That’s a good question that I do not have an answer to.
What now?
Although our Bridal Gown Gemach had to close, we do still have Chatan and Kallah lessons. I also offer coaching of Kallot both leading up to the wedding and after the wedding, do be in touch to set up an appointment if this is something that can help you with your transition into married life.
Getting married is such an exciting and special time. It can be very stressful if you allow all the details to get in the way. Thankfully there are many tools, strategies and ways to help to organize everything that needs to be done to prepare for your special day. Married life is not just about the wedding, preparing your new home is very important too.
Are you a Kallah? We are your needs along your journey to become a happy wife and mother?