Do you enjoy reading? Whether you do or not, you have taken the time to read a book, why should you write a book review? Is there any benefit to doing so? How about keeping a record or tracking the books that you have read? Is there a reason you should keep a list of the books you have read, perhaps with a few details such as author, a summary and your experience of the book?

These are good questions. To a certain extent it would depend on what sort of book you read and whether you had any goal in mind. As an example, if you are studying a specific course and have a book list to work through. In this case, keeping a record of the books you have read will help you as you progress through the course material, including completing that recommended reading list. Having a record on what you gained or learned when reading the book will also be of benefit.
If on the other hand your reading was purely for your own enjoyment. The main reason you might wish to keep a record of the books you have read is to be able to compare your experience if you come to re-read this book. You will also have a reminder as to when you read the book.

Another idea as to why keeping a record of the books you have read can have a purpose, is it can help you to keep a tally of how many books you complete reading each year. This can give you motivation to keep on reading. You might even come to set yourself a goal to read more books the following year, or to read more books of a specific genre. In this way you develop a personal incentive which is so important especially if you come up against any challenges or struggles.
When it comes to book reviews, the benefit is not as much for you as it is for others who might come to read the book. In this case you will be sharing your honest and objective opinion and experience to help them decide whether the book will meet their goals and therefore be a good idea for them to read.
Writing a book review can also be a way to say thank you to the author for the time spent researching, writing and editing the book. Your review can help the author to gain insight as to how the readers enjoy the book, whether there is need for any further editing and revision. Your review may also provide ideas for the author as to a sequel to write or a different book entirely that caters to a need expressed by the readers. Lastly, your review can give the author the motivation to keep on promoting the book and writing further books.
Obtaining book reviews can be quite a challenge. If you do take the time to write a review, this will help the author in many ways. In addition, other readers are more likely to find the book as it ranks better in google when there are more reviews.
If you wish to write a book review, there are a number of points to keep in mind. Firstly, the type of review will make a difference. If you do a review online or write a marketing review, the style of review and details to be included will differ. If you write a review of a non-fiction versus a fiction book, there will be some differences too.
There are many good articles and videos that provide the necessary instruction as to how to write a good book review. As a result, I am not going to repeat what is already available. I recommend you do a google search and read up on how to write an effective book review.
One important point to keep in mind is to remember that all books have some kind of errors in them. With this in mind, remember that the author is a person, a human being. So, tackle your book review in a constructive way making sure to have a good balance between pros and cons, not to have everything skewed to one side. This is especially so for a negative review. I like to say if you do not enjoy a book and have a comment to make that will help the author, reach out to the author and share your feedback privately rather than causing hurt to someone who has put in effort to create something of value for others. Most authors appreciate feedback so be in touch with them privately and have a discussion. You can both grow from the experience.
As an author myself, I get very excited each time anyone takes the trouble to write a review. Take this review, for example. It’s the most recent review of my book written to explain the profession of occupational therapy. I am very grateful that even though the book has been in print for a few years now, there are still some who appreciate the book enough to write an online review.
A real eye opener
That’s how Rabbi Tzvi Jacobsen described his experience of reading Healing Your Life through Activity.
“As a teacher with students that need help, I always thought Occupational Therapy was just help with fine motor skills. Shoshanah’s book gave me a real understanding in OT, and how these therapists help the whole person.
Book review on Amazon for the book “Healing Your Life Through Activity“
A great read just to understand what OT is all about, and how it can help everyone children, adults and seniors.”
I would reply to this, that occupational therapy covers the whole life cycle. Meaning wherever a client finds themselves in their journey through life. That means our role in assisting our clients begins in maternal health, women’s health and with babies before they reach the age of being children. The title of the book was in fact chosen to help to give insight into this important fact. Our work is not limited to children, adults and seniors but goes much further than that.
I hope that point is a little clearer for you. The hard fact about occupational therapy is that it is such a vast profession. It covers so much that condensing what OT is about in just a few words or even paragraphs is difficult for most OTs.
Have you read the book? If so, what was your impression? What did you learn or gain from the book? If you are busy and concerned that you wont have the time for a proper book review, look at how short and simple this review is. I don’t think reviews have to follow the 4 details listed in many articles on how to write an effective book review. A short note that shares what you gained can help someone else to discover a book. Even if you only gained one fact from reading a book, you never know who might benefit from reading what you gained. Perhaps someone else is searching for that detail. So don’t be intimidated. even a short three lines can be of benefit.
What kind of books do you enjoy to read? I hope this post has provided a few tips to keep in mind to take your reading experience a little further.