Do you ever feel as though life has just gone whizzing by? Suddenly you arrive at x age and you say, WHAT? What just happened? How did I get there? I’m feeling that right now but it’s not just about age, it’s about moving.

Keep Moving Forward
There is a rabbi that I know who ends off his emails with “keep moving forward”. Yeah right, I’m following through with your order rabbi, keeping on moving. So now we face the potential of move number 43! Can you believe that? How did that happen?
Yes, you read that right, move number 43 . I can’t believe it but that time of year has come around again and so it’s time to get going and start the search. Have you any idea how time consuming it is to look for an apartment, pack, move, unpack. There are so many steps involved. And so many costs. So very many costs. Oh boy, here we go, getting ready for the next big move.
Challenge and Decisions
One of my challenges is that I have been working on developing my dream centre. I have some parts in place and that means that I have books and equipment that goes with it. The question now is how much of what I have been doing can I move online? Also, how much of my books and equipment do I sell or should I sell? It’s a tough one. If I sell e.g. some of my toys and games, it might bring in some money towards my move. The problem is once I am settled, if I have a client requiring those items / equipment, I will then have to re-purchase them. The bigger problem is that prices have mostly gone up since I purchased them. Also, some games I have had for many years now and they are not so easy to come by any longer.
Well the reality of yet another move is raising the question, once again, as to whether I need to alter the types of clients that I work with? Maybe, maybe not, time will tell.
Some people ask, if I have OT equipment, why don’t I have many more clients? Well one problem is that although I have some, I have not had the start-up funding to obtain all the evaluations I require and some more specialized items. That means I am limited as to some of the clients I can work with. Having said that, I have also lacked the funds for much more active marketing, which is one reason that I began my first blog.
So I have decisions to make and some of them are not very easy. What is the purpose of sharing this? Well, I am facing a major challenge and I decided to make the most of it. I plan to share OT in action. I will be applying exercises, thoughts, ideas from my profession to help me to get through a rather stressful process. Let’s face it, moving is stressful, it’s known to be one of the major stressors. This time I have finding it particularly difficult.
Your support will be greatly appreciated along this journey. I hope to also add some thoughts or products as I develop them. Might as well master this moving process right?
Stay tuned for the first of a series of videos and blogs. The next post will share items that we have for sale. Some are new, created by us that you will find in our online store. However, the one’s I hope to share in the next post will be the range of our belongings that we are selling in order to come up with the funds for this move.
I will be adding a new level to the membership of this website. Please join us on this journey. Your membership will help to support our move.