Reading is such an important skill and activity. Through reading we learn new words which helps to increase our vocabulary. Through reading we gain knowledge and understanding of concepts important to daily living and the world around us. Reading also enables us to expand our thinking and develop our imagination. If we take the time to contemplate the wonder of reading books we can discover that reading is really rather magical.
The problem is, not all children enjoy reading. In addition to this, the modern age with all that technology has to offer can keep children from delving into the world of books. What can you as parents do to help your child to read? Let’s hear a message from the author of 14 books.
“I have been writing stories for very many years and I even won a prize when I was still a teenager! That spurred me on to write and publish 14 books, (some of them being school readers), as well as articles for magazines like “The Friend” and the “Woman’s Journal.”
After I became a teacher, I wrote stories, poems and rhymes to illustrate teaching points. I found that the children loved this!
It can be a challenge when children do not complete their homework. No-one likes to be punished, so, when one child simply refused to do his homework, instead of punishing him, I wrote a story. I did not mention the child’s name, of course, and I read it out to the class. The very next day his homework was handed in on time, with all the others and nothing more had to be said!
Stories can be very powerful yet gentle learning tools. My latest book however, “A Very Brave Girl” is purely for enjoyment and entertainment, although there might well be some points to ponder here and there.

I love writing and during the long Covid Pandemic, I had time to do just that. “A Very Brave Girl” is one of the results of that, although I also filled several notebooks with much shorter stories and thoughts. Writing is the easy part for me, not so the marketing! So any tips on that aspect would be greatly appreciated.
For those of you who choose to purchase a copy of “A very Brave Girl ” and I do hope you will, do watch out for the sequel! I hope to publish that book in the coming year.
I cannot stress enough the importance of reading for children. They spend so much time on their computers or watching television these days, but they ought never to forget the joy of curling up with a good book, a real book, one to hold in their hand and feel the paper as they turn each page.
To answer a few questions that have been posed to us:
- “A Very Brave Girl”, like all my books, is a printed book. It is currently available in paperback although we are looking into preparing hard cover too.
- For those wanting to read an excerpt, “A Very Brave Girl” is for sale on all the Amazon platforms, that means worldwide. One of the benefits of selling a book on Amazon is that Amazon provides a look inside feature. So do visit the book on Amazon and take a look at the excerpt provided with the look inside feature.
I hope in the years to come, this pleasurable pastime of reading books will not be left behind! And to answer the question as to how to help children to read and to want to read, one important answer is by providing them with quality books. The books should be interesting and well written with a good balance of books that provide knowledge and books to read just for enjoyment. When we offer our children books and stories that they can enjoy, we help them to develop a love of reading and hence the key to the wonder of books.
Happy reading!
With love to you all,
Rosemary Kahn.”