I have had quite a few questions about the goals of this website and the services that I offer. The truth is that there are a number of services that I offer and feature on this website. There are a number of ideas and goals that inspired developing this website. In order to best describe the services, let us begin to look at the purpose of this website.

Some Background
For the background of how I came to develop a service that focuses on assisting women in the role of wife and mother I am actually completing writing a book or ebook. If this is of interest to you, please be in touch. You can let me know in the comments at the bottom of this blog post and also via the contact form on this website.
What I can say for now, is that I have a number of goals here. I have drawn on my life experience, work experience and continuing education to develop these goals. Oh dear, does that sound vague? Not to worry, it will all become clear.
Let us take one snippet of this as our starting point, for now. When I was a second year student I had an idea to begin a treatment centre. Now in order to begin a treatment centre one has to identify the types of services that would be offered and also if there is a specific niche or angle to the centre. It’s been quite a journey to identify that niche, which is the topic of the ebook that I spoke about.
A few months after having this idea, I began to develop severe abdominal pain. The doctors did not do enough testing, they just opted for an appendectomy. Years later it turned out that I had chronic, recurrent kidney infections but the dear doctor wipped out my appendix. He did a nice job of stirring around to try to find anything else he would manage to. Actually, I suspect another potential problem. Before we get to that, I must mention that I also had a reaction to the anesthetic which had lasting effects.
A year later I was diagnosed with one infection after another including CMV. Eventually the doctors had the wonderful news that I had ME which stands for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
So I had this dream of a treatment centre which meant completing my studies but I also had this chronic health problem that begged for attention. By the time I graduated, all my income went on paying off tuition, paying for health expenses, paying for regular daily expenses and then helping my mother who had become a widow.
The more I tried to do the regular normal things (like getting a regular 9-5 salaried job that would provide the income I needed to save and start to develop a private practice as the first step of my treatment centre) the more my health and my life threw me curve ball after curve ball.
The journey with my health has given rise to a few books, blog posts, YouTube videos, workshops and other services. There is a lot of work involved to help others in developing a healthy, balanced lifestyle and also in how to become successful working from home. Please be patient, and stay in touch to receive updates as new books, products and content is created. I do apologize, however, a chronic illness like M.E. does delay anything I plan.
Around the time I wrote my book about my health, I also wrote a book to promote occupational therapy. I shelved the book for many years. I had good reason to do so. Eventually though, I decided the time had come to get that book out. That book is of course “Healing Your Life Through Activity – An Occupational Therapists Story“. As I was busily editing this book and preparing it for publishing, I came across a some amazing websites. These websites have opened doors to an exciting new approach to working and to working from home.
Future Planning:
In further posts I aim to:
-Introduce you to 5 or more people who have had a major impact on this change in direction.
-Begin offering some resources on this website both as a resource page and as blog posts or other products. As I add each new feature, I will be writing about it in my blog.
So do come back to read more posts and find out about this journey. My journey contains excitement, major challenges and more. Join me as I share about what I am doing or have done to help to overcome these challenges.
Visit the main page of my website and sign up for my newsletter. In the newsletter you will receive more information, tools, tips, discounts and other lovely goodies. While you are at it, please take a look at the main page. I would appreciate it if you let me know what you like and what is confusing you. I’m in the process of improving this page, so your feedback will be really helpful.
As you can see, I have had quite a journey which has culminated in some of the purpose of this website. I look forward to sharing more in further posts.
This post is prepared for you by
Occupational Therapist, healing facilitator, certified infant massage instructor, freelance writer, author of “Healing Your Life Through Activity – An Occupational Therapist’s Story” and co-author of “Tuvia Finds His Freedom“.