We have had several questions come in as to what a Chatan or Kallah needs to learn prior to coming to Chuppah. This question pertains, of course to learning the Laws of Family Purity. Some ask why they can’t have just one Shiur, one lesson. Some wonder why one month of learning is not adequate.

While some take the time to send in questions, others interacting in various groups will make jokes about what a Chatan and Kallah can possibly have to learn.
To help in answering some of this question, I put a video together. In doing so I realized that the question actually opens the door to a few videos or perhaps another blog post.
As you will see in the video, there is quite a lot of content to cover. Generally a Shiur is an hour in length. Some Chatanim and Kallot elect to do 1 ½ -2 hours of learning at a time. Some will learn once a week while others prefer to book multiple sessions in the week. Whichever way you wish to space out your lessons, keep in mind that there are some 15 chapters of material to cover. How long it takes to work through this material depends on the Chatan / Kallah or couple who is learning with us. Some complete the necessary material in 8 hours, some will take 15 hours and some like to learn in more detail.
Although some think it funny to have laws to learn related to the relationship that is developing as the couple transition from being single to a married couple, in truth, for those who take the laws seriously, I will point out that one of our recent Kallot was a qualified doctor working in a hospital and still made time to learn the laws in full.
Do you have any specific questions? Would you like to see another video related to our Chatan and Kallah lessons? Do you know a couple getting married who are still in need of learning the laws of Family Purity? If you answer yes to any of these, please do be in touch.