Do you ever spend time thinking about your future? How far ahead do you allow your mind to wander? Have you begun to prepare for your old age and retirement? Come to think of it, when is the best time to begin to prepare for old age?

In this article, I share a video with some thoughts from two older clients of mine. These clients attitudes were worlds apart. So totally different. The difference in attitude and mindset had an important impact on the lives of their children, grandchildren and how they viewed their lives when reflecting back from the perspective of someone in mid or late eighties.
It is easy to allow life to slip by and just watch things unfold. However, doing so runs the risk of missing out on valuable treasures, experiences and relationships. It also runs the risk of reaching retirement age without the funds necessary to see you through your retirement. A more effective approach to take is to plan for one’s retirement. To prepare for one’s old age. You might well ask, when should you begin preparing? I would say the younger the better.
In truth the relationships we develop early on in our lives can have an impact on our lives all the way into old age. Have you ever met someone celebrating a later milestone like a birthday of seventy five years and older who can invite friends from their childhood? How special to share a close friendship for decades. That can only happen by being careful about the types of friends we have and the nature of the relationships that we develop.
Have you ever met an older person who can look back on their life with satisfaction and gratitude and honestly say that they are grateful for their years in this world?
Being able to live a life of no regrets requires thought, effort and planning. It also requires regular reflection or stock taking to make sure that your life is still heading in the right direction.
How we live our lives when we are younger has an effect on our health when we are older too, in addition to whether we have any regrets or are at peace and what kind of relationships and experiences we enjoy. The kind of lifestyle we live will affect our health on many levels including whether we reach old age and what kind of health we enjoy into our old age. There are, of course exceptions but for the most part, living a healthy lifestyle is a crucial factor in preparing for our old age.
Let’s consider another important stage in our lives. How about as you prepare to become a wife and a mother. Does the way in which you approach motherhood have an impact on your later years? Watch the video below to find out some answers.
What approach do you prefer? Which kind of eighty something would you like to be? Let us know in the comments below.