Appreciating mothers is so important. How often do you take the time to think about all that your mother does for us. Some to think of it, do we think of how much mothers in general do?
It might sound obvious, but it is worth repeating. From the time a woman decides she wants a child or discovers she is expecting, her life changes forever. For some women, there is a long process before they can finally become mothers. For others, motherhood happens more quickly or even unexpectedly.

Once a pregnancy begins, the woman becomes actively involved in the life of her baby, whether she likes it or not! There is so much that mothers do for their children and for the world. However, how often do we stop and show them the appreciation they really deserve?
Appreciating Mothers More than Once a Year
Yes, I know there is a day set aside for mothers. I am not referring to the one day a year. Mothers are busy with their role of being a mother 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week. So how often to you take the time to show appreciation for your other?
A great starting point towards increasing your appreciation for your mother, is to take some time to ponder all she does. Have you ever stopped to watch a mother at work? It could be pretending she loves a game just to encourage her child to play. It could be the patience shown in carrying a sleeping child. It could be the tenderness in helping a child who has fallen or become hurt in another manner. There are so many tasks that go into the role of being a mother.
At Chessed Ve’Emet, we recognize and value the effort that mothers put in. We notice each task, struggle or effort and we want to help others to show their appreciation for the mothers in their life too. We recognize how important it is to appreciate mothers! As a result, we are exploring further items to add to our online store, I decided to find out what mothers would like to receive as a gift. What kind of gift helps them to feel appreciated and loved?
The responses fitted into a few categories:
- Jewellery. Some liked hand made jewellery. Other moms preferred gold jewellery and even something expensive with diamonds. Something engraved or suitable to become an heirloom.
- Edible items such as an expensive tea, chocolate, wine or an evening in a nice restaurant.
- Special time together. For some, the best gift for a mother is special time together. Not just mundane, day to day activities but going away. Ideas ranged from a weekend together to a trip overseas.
- Clothing. For some women, receiving a gift of clothing that is unusual or an item she would not purchase for herself is the ideal gift for her.
- Self care products. Some women love the idea of really nice body lotion or hand cream. Again not the regular cheaper products that one might purchase in a supermarket, but something a little nicer.
- Bodywork to relax. For some, the idea of being able to relax and be pampered a little with a massage or other body work is the best gift they can think of.
- Fun Activity. Along the similar idea as a trip or weekend away, some women loved the idea of an activity that is that little bit different. An idea given was going in a hot air balloon. Something unusual that would make for special memories.
As you can see, each woman has very different ideas as to what the ideal gift would be to help her to feel special and appreciated. We are so grateful to those women who agreed to share their idea of what would be a perfect gift to show appreciation to her as the mother of the home. We have taken note of each of these ideas and are busily at work behind the scenes.
Treat your Mother with the Gift she will Love
We are exploring opportunities to add many of these products to our online store. If you would like to show appreciation to your mother, do be in touch. Visit our store to find out if the gift you are searching for is already in stock. If not, do be in touch. It could be the item you have in mind is in process to come into our store. If not, we are happy to listen to your needs. If you are looking for a hand made item or piece of art, we accept commissions too.
Remember, our store has something special built into it too. With each purchase you make, you help us to develop our centre and our service to empower widows and orphans. How does this work? Simple, a percentage of the proceeds goes towards continuing our work to help widows and orphans. In this way, purchase your gift through our store or order a unique custom made gift and you receive a double gift in return. The gift for your mother or loved one and spreading the love further to widows and orphans. Can there be a greater gift?