You have a company or small business and want to increase your customers or sales of products. What can you do to improve your marketing strategy for 2018 and why would you want to?

The Need:
If you’re a mom or wanting to become a mom and start your own family, let’s face it you will have bills to pay. Running a successful home has many demands on both your time, your energy resources or health and your finances. If you are a working mom, or a working woman with a goal to become a mom, then you will appreciate that you do not want to deplete your energy on your work. You and your family need for you to have good energy available for your time with your family. After all, most women do not have a goal to be 100% involved in work and allow their family time to disappear without the ability to spend any time with your family. Imagine for a moment what this would be like.
Precious moments turn into hours which became days. The days become weeks that become months and years. During the passage of time, you are very busy and focused on bringing in clients and so you arrange a relative or baby sitter to take care of your family. Or you are so busy chasing after earning that you miss out on either getting married or building a family or both. Before you know it, you are a mature woman and have not enjoyed those precious moments that create meaningful memories. Don’t allow your time to disappear as you work on building your career or business.
What will assist you? The best answer is a sound marketing strategy. Whether we like it or not, marketing is key! It is the difference between you sharing your talents, services and products with the world and earning what you need to be able to live a fulfilling life and missing out on those meaningful moments. It is the difference between having the right kind of clients who will pay what you deserve and enable you to live your best life and your sitting wondering when and how your life will ever improve.
Whether we like it or not, we actually are constantly putting a message out. An effective marketing strategy helps you to make sure that the message you put out is the right one to the right people at the right time.
What will the marketing strategy include?
Some aspects of marketing has changed over time with the development of the internet and digital marketing. Although paid adverts, cold calling etc still has a place, other methods of marketing have become important too. One of the methods that helps to improve your chances of success, is sharing successful case stories. In one article I read that “fifty-six percent of enterprise-level purchasers and 23 percent of small business owners said case studies influenced a technology purchase of theirs in the past six months”. [1]
A closer look at case stories:
Let us take a look at why case stories are important and effective:
- Case stories offer a live example. They share information and show or outline what your company offers. This in turn helps with branding.
- Case stories provide the opportunity to open the door for communication. That means that they become a talking point with potential clients, the press etc
- Case stories help you to get known and be remembered. Let’s take a look at how this works – of the adverts I remember best throughout the years, those that told a story stuck in my mind most. Having good music helped too. When it comes to the written word, making sure that the content flows smoothly, rhythmically and has a good format provides the ingredients that the music would. If you are creative, a good case story can be turned into a short video clip and help to bring the important message to life in a tangible way.
If you are preparing your marketing strategy for 2018, make sure to allocate a budget and attention to offering successful case stories for your potential clients to discover the best of what you are and what you offer.
Some help with writing those successful case stories
If you are looking for assistance to craft these case stories, I can help. For those mothers out there who are occupational therapists, or who manufacture and provide equipment used in occupational therapy, I offer a service that draws on my years of work experience as an occupational therapist. This clinical experience provides the insight to ensure that the content is written in a manner that best meets the needs of your clients.
If marketing is a task you are currently working on, do be in touch. I’d love to hear your needs and to help you by writing those case studies to tell the story that best represents your service, product and branding.