Have you thought of learning your Chatan and Kallah Lessons Online? There is so much that goes into preparing for marriage. Once you have decided to go ahead with marrying the person of your dreams, all kinds of activities, demands and necessities vie for your attention. If you are a Jewish couple, then learning the Laws of Family Purity are a MUST.!
What do you do if you have a busy schedule? What happens if the Chatan and Kallah teachers in your area are all fully booked? How do you go about learning this all important material?
At Chessed Ve’Emet, we offer you a perfect solution. Sign up to learn with us online. That’s right, you can settle yourself in front of your computer or smart phone in the comfort of your own home at a time that is mutually convenient. Thanks to modern technology, you can link up with us in the Holy City of Jerusalem and completing your course of Family Purity has just become an enjoyable possibility.
We recently had a fun experience when a Kallah that I had taught met up with a couple through her Synagogue. The new couple mentioned that the Chatan had not yet found someone to do his Chatan Lessons with. Take a look at what the outcome was!
We really love the potential to use technology for good. So if you are preparing for your upcoming Chuppah. That very special day that most of us dream of. Keep in mind that you can learn both Chatan and Kallah Lessons with us, at Chessed Ve’Emet. Rabbi Eliyahu Shear teaches the Chatanim and I teach the Kallot. The benefit is that you receive the same information and approach which helps to make sure that there will be consistency in this important area of your life as a married couple.