I have to admit that I’m writing a blog post to avoid having to look for another apartment. Not exactly the kind of advice a good occupational therapist would or should offer, but it’s the truth. Sometimes life’s challenges are just a little bit to hard. It’s one thing to have to get my head around the number of 42 moves, but to have to actually go through it is quite another. The stress and emotional drain is just too much. Repeatedly moving is too big a challenge.

Most of the moves I have made have all been last minute, many of them to the wrong place but at least it was somewhere to move to. The joys of minimum wage. Well no, there is not very much that is good about minimum wage. I know for the one who has to pay the very low salary they might enjoy it. Yes it is less for them to have to outlay, but to be honest, I think more and more, why employ anyone if you lack the funds to pay them respectfully. No-one should have to move as often as I have done. No-one!
Reflecting on Selecting my Profession
Thirty two years ago, when I was looking for a profession, I was recommended to do OT. I did not think to ask how well known it is or how well paid either. I also did not think to ask about the risks of contracting an infection that might turn chronic. Yes, there are some parts of the world that pay better but not everywhere.Even so, somehow I managed until I came to Israel. My first salary check here broke me in many ways. How can any organization sleep at night knowing that they pay Olim such a pittance.
You don’t have to take my word for the low pay, so I wont even bother mentioning the figure. But I have the salary slip. I worked really hard, full school days, every day of the week for what? Yes, I did make a difference in the lives of those I treated. But I was not volunteering, this was supposed to be my work. Work being something you get paid for in order to have the means to pay your own bills.
Yes, I am voicing my disgust and dismay and disbelief that a system would permit such a thing to take place. I am told that is how it is for Olim. I was told by a few supervisors that Olim are expected to live off their savings until you finally begin to earn. How can that be and what a Chutzpa to expect that everyone has savings.
My Efforts
So I had begun helping others in order to begin to build my own centre. I helped and I helped until I had to either move to larger space or give up my store and bridal gowns. With rose tinted glasses I believed that helping orphans would be popular and others would support my crowd fundraising campaings. I never dreamed it would be so hard to get support for what I was building or that I would receive so many negative comments.
This last move had so much potential. It did not have the space to continue my store and gradually I had to let go of my bridal gowns. But it is the first time I was able to separate my therapy equipment from my treatment room. And once I began developing my online store, I began realizing how many things I can make up to become products. OK so there has been potential for a new direction. But one has to keep up the momentum in order for sales and clients for my writing service to become a reality.
The Problem of Moving
Where is the problem, well, the time taken to find an apartment, make the calls, go and look at places, collect boxes, pack etc takes away from my time to earn. Why not just get a job? Let’s take a look at that!
Firstly, I have tried. Israel does not like to give work to those over a certain age. That’s why discovering freelance writing has been appealing and yes I have been applying for writing jobs. Secondly I have a chronic illness that I can only manage when working from home. Thirdly, I had a work injury with no compensation and hence still have some residual problems.Lastly, my work experience in Israel has taught me that if you work here you end up with no pay. Or your salary will be withheld. Or they will deduct 10%, that being your Maaser. The reason given is that we all have to give 10%, so they will just save you deciding who to give it to by keeping it for themselves. No lie, I have the salary slips to prove this).
Well, I don’t have a solution but at least I am voicing my hurt, confusion and dismay. Time to go back to searching for an apartment but where is the right area to move to? How do I figure out where to live that will have a supportive community? How do I find the place that I can afford where clients will agree to come to in person?
I have more questions, but I have to get back to apartment hunting. I have to get back to looking, packing etc. If you care, please visit my online store and support my products.