Someone asked if I could write an article about:
- camping
- hiking
- taking care of one’s tent
- cooking on a campfire
- learning survival skills.

The answer is yes, yes and yes!
Yes, I can write about this topic. It’s healthy and fun for family and for kids to spend time in nature and to go out either camping or hiking or both. It gets you away from technology and into nature which is a big bonus on it’s own. Why is that important? Well, in today’s time, children are not spending enough time playing in general and getting into nature in particular. There is a joke that hand function has reduced to mastery of the use of the two thumbs in pressing the keys on the smart phone.
Yes, I have the experience as I spent many happy hours hiking and camping through the junior school that I went to as well as Brownies and Girl Guides.
Yes again because it’s a topic that is full of life. Did you know that leisure time activities are part of the service that occupational therapists offer? If not, well now you do – so perhaps this article can introduce the theme of leisure time or recreational activities.
Oh, the first ‘yes’ is connected and almost the same as the third ‘yes’. What great observation skills you have! Now let’s use those observation skills to look a little more at camping, hiking and the amazing experience of being outdoors – for now through my own experience.
Sharing My Hiking and Camping Experience
As I said, I was a Brownie and then went on to be a Girl Guide. As Girl Guide I assisted with the Brownie pack that used the same hall we Girl Guides did. I later got to Rangers and then to Rovers or what we called Range Rovers as it was the first mixed group post Guides and Scouts with Rangers and Rovers, making us Range Rovers.
Scouting for guys or for girls has lots of value. One of the areas I loved was the wealth of experience and learning we gained from going camping, hiking and even making a raft and having to survive for 24 hours or was it 48 hours on the raft. I forget now but it was at least 24 hours.

When out camping we had to pitch our tents, dig the trench around the tent to prevent flooding if it rained. Yes, we would sleep in sleeping bags on ground sheets on the floor, so we did not want rain to be trickling into our sleeping bags. We learned to take care of our tents and pack them away correctly. We learned how to set up out houses with our portable toilets.

All of our cooked meals happened out doors on camp fires. We learned how to lay the perfect camp fire. Did you know there is an A-shape and an H-shape method of laying the wood for the fire? We had to know both and when each was needed. We learned to prepare a fire from all natural items. No paraffin, no fuel, no firelighters. Just kindling, newspaper and wood which we mostly collected by ourselves. We were permitted just two matches for lighting the fire and it had to be good enough to cook either for those sharing a tent with us or the whole company. We also learned how to prepare the pots so that they did not get damaged when being used on an open flame.
Safety is very important in Girl Guides and so the area would be well cleared prior to pitching our tents or to preparing the campfire. We learned both how to prevent accidents and injuries as well as first aid in case of any problems arising.
Learning Skills
We learned all kinds of wonderful survival skills. We had a number of fun exercises observing animals in nature, getting to know the different foot prints (spoor) and so much more.
We learned social skills on a different level. Not only did we have great activities and assignments during the day, but at night we’d all gather round the campfire for songs and skits. What a wonderful way to create unity among those around the campfire.
We learned to listen. Listen to the sounds of nature, listen to instructions, listen to the needs of those in our tent and our camp.
Be Prepared
The motto of Girl Guides and Scouts is “Be Prepared” and so we learned how to prepare for an organized, efficient camp experience as well as all kinds of other needs. As mentioned above, learning to be aware of safety precautions and first aid was part of our preparation. As was singing. We loved to sing and would break into song mostly round the fire but many other times too.
I remember my camping trips most when it is Sukkot time. It comes in so handy when preparing the Sukkah. I suppose the concept of organization that is so important in OT was deeply routed from the notion of the need to “Be Prepared”.
Spending time hiking and camping in nature is healthy and a wonderful learning experience. I highly recommend it for all families. If you are sending your kids away on camp, how about considering the real camp experience with tents and outdoor fun.
The question as to whether I can write an article has given me some ideas. I’d love to hear what your needs are. Do you have any specific questions? Would you like a checklist to help you with your camping or hiking adventure? Drop me a line and let me know what specifics you would like to learn related to spending time outdoors, especially hiking or camping.