Most women dream of being a mother. There is something very special about holding those little hands or feet of a new born, even more so when that new born is your own. What about women who marry older? Or who have been busy with their careers and suddenly decide that they would like children after all? Is pregnancy over 40 possible? More importantly, is it possible for a natural conception for a woman over 35 or even over 40?

On this website, we have other articles about fertility over 35. In this post we bring hope to those more mature women who would still love to have their own baby. This post shares hope that pregnancy over 40 is in deed possible.
The comments that follow come from women in an online group. Some of these women share their experience with their first baby, others with babies born after a gap of having children. Each of them share a similar message? Pregnancy over 40 is possible, even naturally and even when trying NOT to have children.
The following women agreed to share their experience in the hope of giving inspiration to other women who are trying to conceive or would like to, over 40 years.
Inspiring Stories from Women Over 40
“I conceived my son naturally at 41.” ~ Anonymous
“I conceived naturally at 43 and 11 months. My son is healthy, happy and 1 years old.” ~ Danielle Peri – We are preparing for an interview with Danielle so stay tuned.
“I have a four year old and then I tried to conceive after him. I had him by emergency section. I then went on to have four recurrent miscarriages. I became a patient at the recurrent miscarriage clinic. Had tests done, all negative. Had a lap surgery and found I had abdominal adhesion but wasn’t the cause of my losses. I was discharged from the clinic and was told there was nothing they can do as I’m over forty and it was my age even though egg quality was never tested. I was advised for hysterectomy which I refused. I tried for three years. I went through depression, wanting to give up and accept the outcome but I was wanting to give my son a sibling as I have no family or network and isolated that I wanted my child to have a buddy who’s blood and look back in years and not regret giving up. I started to take courses, hobbies to build my self esteem, I continued life and kept trying. I gave birth naturally at the age of 43 and my daughter is now six weeks old. God blessed me and listened to my prayers.” ~ Nayara Ifara
“I am due in 2 weeks, natural conception 42 years young 💗 I would be happy to be a part of it.” ~ Anonymous
” I would love to! I was 40, 5 months from 41 when I found out I was 6 months pregnant! Didn’t think I could have children after my 19 year old. Granted, 5 days after my son was born I suffered a massive heart attack and trying to make a full recovery but it CAN happen and had it not been getting my vitamin D and losing weight but most importantly letting God handle it, I wouldn’t have a spoiled 6 month old now!” ~
“I would maybe do it 😃
I had my only children both after the age of 41.
my daughter at 41 (she was a 1st try honeymoon baby).
and just had my son 8 months ago at age 45, both natural conception 🤗🤗❤️❤️ (and maybe will have one more, you never know) “
“I’d be happy to. 41, FTM, 32 weeks along.” ~ Lori Powers
“I would love to contribute. Natural conception at 44, easy pregnancy, delivery at 41 weeks +5 days, LO is healthy!!”~ Emma Cook Jones
“Had mine the day after I turned 42. After having 3 in my 20’s I was worried about the age making it harder, but it was my easiest, all natural. Don’t know what I’d write a whole paragraph about though.” ~ Melinda Petersen Zurn
“I’m currently 12 weeks had heaps of issues I’m 42 but 43 wen bub is born.” ~ Kassy Oala
“Conceived naturally and gave birth to my first and only 4 months before 46th birthday.” ~ Nikky DeWald
“Hi Shoshanah, I’m happy to help. I am 45 y.o. I have 6 children, have had 5 miscarriages, 2 bubs born sleeping and am now 7 w 5 days preg with bub no 7 (hopefully). It’s very early days but at yesterday’s scan there was a strong heartbeat.” ~ Catherine Dever
“I’m 42 and just got pregnant trying not to get pregnant! I was doing natural family planning. I was definitely focused on not having children.” ~ Amanda Speights
“I’d be happy to contribute 😊.
I’m 41, will be 42 in March and I’m 14 weeks pregnant with my first.
It was a natural conception, though I sometimes made an effort to have sex when i knew i was ovulating. In the end, it turns out I conceived while we were having a great time on vacation in Japan drinking too much sake every day.” ~ Lea Choi
“I would be happy to do so. I conceived naturally at 44 and delivered a healthy baby boy in July. It wasn’t my first pregnancy. I had a missed miscarriage in early second trimester for my first pregnancy (I was 27 years old), then a full term girl (I was 28 years old), a 34 week premature girl (I was 30 years old), a full term boy (I was 35), and then this little one, also full term delivered at 38 weeks, 6 days. My two easiest pregnancies with respect to the baby were my “advanced maternal age” pregnancies. It may have been a bit tougher on me, but those babies had the least complications. Go figure!”
“I conceived my son naturally at 47 and delivered a few months shy of my 48th Birthday.”
“Conceived naturally at 43 will deliver at 44.”
“48 natural conception ❤️blessing.” ~ Michelle Erickson. The photograph that went with this comment is such a cutie.
“43 yrs old here and 6 weeks 5 days pregnant naturally after being told I was going into menopause and I would need in-vitro to conceive. I have a 24 yr old, 23 and 4 yr old all boys💙” ~ Anthea
“Me I gave birth at 44 to my daughter. It was a surprise. I stopped obsessing and just surrendered it to God, and voila. ❤️” ~ Ryan Amelia
What do you think? Is pregnancy over 40 possible?
Well, let’s take a look at the above comments or stories? That’s about 21 women so far who agreed to share their story. For some it was a first baby, for some what might be regarded as secondary infertility. Each of these women has a happy story to share.
For those women who have pessimistic doctors or relatives, I hope this post gives you some hope and inspiration. It certainly seems that natural pregnancy over 40 years old is possible. Not only does it seem feasible to conceive naturally and enjoy a healthy pregnancy over 40, but if we look at the ages, it seems that pregnancy over 45 has crept in there too. Now isn’t that inspiring?